

Friday, August 5, 2011


How time fly's - we've been having a ball at the store these past few weeks - we've got lots of new fabric in including some cute Halloween/Fall prints and tons of absolutely beautiful Christmas prints and panels!
Come on in!!
Lydia's quilts will be up for a few more weeks - I'm busy working on the fall class schedule - I'll let you know when it's ready.
I thought I should share this picture of Carolyn who spent a frustrating morning on her computer and came to work with two different shoes on!
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Here goes...

We were really busy last Saturday.  However, at some point in the middle of the afternoon things calmed down and we just had three women in the store shopping.  I was signing one up for a class and one of the other women was having fabric cut - she let us know that she was from Newfoundland.  Well, that started a whole conversation about one of my favourite shows "The Republic of Doyle" and how its brought more tourists to the island.  Now, you have to picture this - I had the one woman at the cash and soon the woman from NFLD. was beside her and then all three of us were deep in conversation - I turned to the first woman and said that I hoped I didn't offend her but, I wanted to thank the woman from NFLD for voting Liberal in the last election.  The woman from Kingston said not to worry she didn't like "you know who" and that led to all of us being in agreement.  Remember, the third woman was still wondering around not saying a word.
The two women left and the third woman came to the cash with her fat quarters.  I started talking glasses with her because she had to take her bifocals off to read the interact machine and she explained that she had readers but, was too lazy to take them out - the reason she had readers and not trifocals was becasue she did a lot of public speaking and at the podium with tri's she saw double!  Great reason - I was happy to leave things at that - I figured she was a prof.  But, no Judi had to ask "What do you do for a living?"  I cringed when she said - "I hesitate to say after hearing the last conversation".  That's right - not only is she a Conservative but, she is the Minister of Human Resources in the SH Government.
She was very gracious and I enjoyed the conversation the ensued.  
When I told my oldest daughter what had happened, her comment was that I should never discuss politics at work - right you are!  When I told Adriana what had happened and what my daughters response to me was she said "Margaret, if we put duct tape on your mouth every time you said the wrong thing - you'd be taped up 24 hours a day!"  
Here's a taste of Lydia Quigley's quilt's that we are thrilled to have hanging in our large classroom - drop in and visit - take a minute to sit and take in their warmth.
Keeping you in stitches...Margaret

Monday, July 11, 2011


Here are the two pics of the July Block of the Month - thanks to Marlene once again.
She has also made the following comment about the July block:
July – it says to cut 2 of the Fabric D (green).  You need 4 of these and therefore I didn’t have enough fabric in this package to make the 4.  Luckily I scrimped from other months and made out okay.

I try to get it right - so, sorry folks - if, you can't manage to get the extra from leftovers from previous months please let us know.
Keeping you in stitches, Marg

Friday, July 8, 2011

One of our favourite people made this beautiful dress for her new grand daughter. Both the dress and the baby are  absolutely adorable - thanks for letting me share this photo GS.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I can't get over the beautiful weather - it's a WOW!!  I've got my youngest daughter visiting this week - and I get to drive her back to the Toronto airport on Sunday - which is a shame because I would have loved to stay home and help Loretta Moore out with her Rug Hooking class and now Carolyn gets to do it.
This weekend is Mystery Block of the Month - check in is 8:45 am (that's always hard for me because I tend to work 'bankers hours' - you know 10 am - 3 pm).  We always have a good time - don't forget to bring something in for "Show & Tell"!
Keeping you in stitches,
Margaret Millar

Friday, July 1, 2011

Canada Day

Happy Canada Day - I tried to get to this earlier in the evening but, my grandson took over my laptop.  What a great day - the weather was beautiful and I actually got to do a little celebrating - I was babysitting the two grand kids with my youngest daughter.  We took them to Howe Island to visit a friend of hers who has just bought a sea-doo.  When we first arrived one of my daughters friends neighbour (hows that for a mouthful) decided to take it for a spin. She started it while it was sitting in sand and rock!  I took the kids to Gananoque - we had a ball (I have never seen so many red t-shirts in one place) and they took over an hour to get the rocks out of the sea-doo.  We did get in a few trips before we had to leave - it was great fun and a real treat to see a bit of the Thousand Islands.
Remember - there is no Mystery Block-of-the-Month tomorrow - it is scheduled for Saturday, July 9.
Keeping you in stitches,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Block of the Month

Block of the Month is Saturday, July 9 - have a nice long weekend and don't forget to celebrate "Canada Day".
Keeping you in stitches,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


As you probably already know, Debbi and I were in Toronto on Monday 
for training on the new Designer Diamond Deluxe embroidery machine. 
It is a truly amazing sewing machine... come in for a demonstration. 
    Discover the HIDDEN TREASURE of the new Designer Diamond Deluxe
    sewing and embroidery machine and enter to win a Diamond necklace 
    (Value of $1,199). 
    Contest closes July 31, 2011 – no purchase is necessary.
                Special offer from Quilt & Stitch
Purchase the Designer Diamond Deluxe and receive the 5D Professional
software (Value $2,299) FREE - 1 only!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

At it again

Debbi and I are in Toronto - we have to be at Husqvarna Viking tomorrow morning at 9 am for our certification training on the new Designer Diamond Deluxe.  We have our Diamond Deluxe with us in our room and guess what??  We're working on our blogs - gotta have your priorities straight!
We are in a beautiful hotel right downtown courtesy of my daughter Jessica - the mini bar is on motion detection - so, whether you actually drink or eat something in the fridge - if you move it you are charged for it - I accidentally moved a can of beer - too bad I don't drink the stuff - now if there had been a bottle of Shiraz I may have had to shake the whole fridge.
Keeping you in stitches,
P.S. You may want to check out Debbi's blog for more information on how we're doing.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Sorry for the delay in posting these pictures - if you haven't cut your fabric yet please be careful when cutting the background - you should cut  the four as per the diagram - 2 x 3 1/2" x 6 1/2" across - the other two  same size below and the the 2-  4" sq.  1 on top of the other and then finally the 4 1/2" sq.  I hope that helps - if you have any problems leave me a note or call me at 613-389-2223.
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
BTW - I am wearing my brace at night and it's makes a huge difference - thanxs for the hint!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Morning

Have to tell you that I went to see "Bridesmaids" with one of my girlfriends last night - it's a must see, with a word of caution:  it is not for those of us who may be a little prudish.  Oh, and go with a girlfriend not a husband or boyfriend!  I am not (prudish) and I haven't had that good a laugh in years - how nice - the critics were right!!
I'm getting excited about Shop Hop this year - should be great fun - each of the four stores have made terrific quilt's for it - the kits are a bit more this year but, you don't need to buy 5 or 6 this time.
Keeping you in stitches,

Friday, June 3, 2011


I'm trying to change the look of our blog and can't figure out how to get rid of the patchwork background - any ideas!!  I'm close but it's still not right and it's starting to look a little BORING!!
FYI - I took back the brace that I accidentally bought for my left hand but of course, the drug store didn't have another one in my size for my right hand.  It's taken me a couple of days but, I finally found one that fits @ twice the price (story of my life).  I've been wearing it off and on ever since and I think it's making a difference.  As recommended - I will wear it to bed - thanks for the advise Suzette.

If you don't already know I walk my grandson to school every morning.  This week we were talking about what we were going to do in September - I asked him if it was ok if I still walked him to school - he said yes he expected that I'd continue (and I quote) "pretty much until I graduate Gram".  He's made my year!!
Keeping you in stitches,

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I took tons of pictures of all the quilts that Lyne Lusk brought to last nights guild meeting and dinner - however none of them compare to those taken by Ariane - please take the time to check out the following blog - amazing pictures of beautiful quilts  http://arianescrafts.blogspot.com/
FYI Lyne Lusk will be coming to Quilt & Stitch this fall - watch for dates and times!!
Keeping you in stitches,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Could it be... too hot!!
I just want you to know that the reason you don't hear from me as often is because I'm having a problem with my right hand.  Last night I got smart and went to the drug store to buy a brace -$27 ugh!   When I got home I decided to do some work on the computer and went to put the brase on.  Guess what - yep - I bought it for the wrong hand! 

We're off to the Guild dinner tonight - it should be exciting and the food is always great!

Keeping you in stitches, Margaret

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sunny Days

What a beautiful day... we have SUN! 

We are very busy at the store, working on many different projects.   I got some great pics of Adriana and Carolyn working on our Mystery Block of the Month's layout - but, no peaking please!!  

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rain, rain

If this rain doesn't stop soon, we're going to have to figure out a way to grow a pair of...GILLS!!
I thought it was spring fever, but since we haven't had much of a spring I've decided to blame it on the rain - I had this irresistible urge to rearrange the store - well, me along with Debbi, Bev, Wendy and Marilyn.  Drop in and see our new look!
I thought I'd share a few pictures of the three classes that were on the go tonight - so, much talent!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thank you all for coming to our Burst of Spring Open House on Saturday.  Great fun was had by all!  Marlene MacHattie won a $50 promotional Gift Certificate and Lynn Frink won a $25 promotional Gift Certificate for our “Show & Tell” draw.  The winners of our two door prizes are Audrey Marshall and Stella O’Byrne.  Congratulations everyone!
Keeping you in Stitches,

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I have the latest pics of the May Mystery Block of the Month - remember - we'd love to hear what you'd be interested in doing for the next series of Block of the Month.
I've also thrown in a pic of Marnie working and a sneak peek of her "Teeny Tiny Tuesday" quilt for this month.
We help you make beautiful quilts - keeping you in stitches, Margaret

Sunday, May 8, 2011

It looks like sunny days are in the forecast - what a treat!!  Lots going on at the store - Monday we have double stamp day - bring your appreciation cards with you or pick up a new one - see you then.
I've noticed that my messages are becoming short and abrupt  - could have something to do with all the tweeting I've been doing - sorry folks!!
We help you make beautiful quilts.
Keeping you in stitches,

Happy Mother's Day

Don't forget it's double discount stamps tomorrow - Monday!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


At last... THE SUN!!  Wow, what a beautiful day out there - makes me want to close up the store and go fishing - except I  don't fish!
It's our Spring OPEN HOUSE Saturday, May 7 - join us for lots of fun and inspiration - door prizes, treats, discounts & demonstrations on the NEW Accuquilt cutting system.
We help you make beautiful quilts!!
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shop Hop Quilt

A little peek ...
Wow, could it get any wetter??  Just ducky!!  Some new magazines have arrived - my all time fav. Better Homes & Gardens "Quilt Sampler" and "Quilts & More".  Our Shop Hop quilt is finished and on display - drop in and have a look - don't forget to say hello!!
Keeping you in stitches,

Thursday, April 28, 2011


We have just rec'd some new "sewing" books - drop in and have a look!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hi, I just have to share this with you.  Yesterday, I went home early (my son was coming over for supper) and on the way back at 6:30 to help out with a class I was listening to the CBC.  This fellow was going on about two horrible run ins he'd had with wild turkeys.  Well, I'd never heard of anything like it - the poor guy had had one of them take off his side mirror and then a couple of months later, while driving north on hwy. 38 had had one fly into his car (he had all the windows open because it was a beautiful day in June).  It hit him in the back of the head and landed on the back seat and died.  But, the bird didn't just pass away - oh no, he exploded, filling the car with feathers.  The poor guy almost lost control of the car but, he did manage to pull over and stop.  He was so mad that he grabbed the dead bird out of the back seat and kicked it into the nearest field.  He obviously wasn't thinking about food at the time - he could have taken it home for dinner!   That in itself was funny enough - but, when I got back to the store Debbi was on the phone with her husband - I could hear him yelling - Debbi, getting annoyed with him kept asking if he'd called the police.
I was intrigued!  It turns out that her husband, driving their niece home to Westport had had a run-in with a... wild turkey!  The turkey had taken out a head light and dented the hood of their SUV (over $1,000 damage).  But, Debbi's husband was thinking because he stopped the vehicle and grabbed the dead bird and brought it home to eat!!
The co-incidence was too much!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Did you know...

You can follow our blog by email now - just register on the left.


Happy Easter everyone - drop in and say HI Monday - we're open from 9:30 am - 5:30 pm - you can still "crack and egg" for a discount on your fabric.  
Keeping you
in stitches, Margaret

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

What a beautiful sunny day - I almost forgot what the sun was like!!  Having a small Easter dinner tonight (all is well, I'm not cooking).  My family is too busy for me this year - it's great because it gives me time to sew - which these days is a luxury!  I hope you all have a great holiday weekend - we're open tomorrow and Monday - drop in for a visit, have a treat and crack and egg for a discount (15% - 40%)!
Just a little side note: My daughter, son-in-law and I went to vote at one of the advanced polls (had to leave because the cue was too long) - but, my daughter was telling me that my grandson told her not to vote for Alicia Gordon because he didn't like her signs - funny how kids think!!
Keeping you in stitches,
Margaret Millar

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Guild meeting

I had a great time at the Napanee Quilter's Guild last night - what an amazing (large) group of quilter's.  Their  Show & Tell was inspiring!!  I spoke about needles, thread and batting.   I dont know about anyone else but, I had a great time.
It's Easter weekend and we're closed this Good Friday but, open Saturday and Monday - drop in and crack an egg for a discount.
Keeping you in stitches,

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Classes

We've just posted the Quilt & Stitch Spring Newsletter - there are one or two typo's - the most important being, our Spring Open House is Saturday, May 7, 2011 not 2008 - hope to see you there - don't forget to bring something in for "Show & Tell"!
I finally remembered to post the pictures from our April Mystery Block of the Month Club.
We've added a new feature - you can subscribe to our blog and receive an email every time we post something - a great bonus!!
Keeping you in stitches,

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm back!!

Poor me, back from the first holiday I've had in years; back to cold and rain and snow - oh, wait - that's what I left in Florida - except that we had tornado's and lots of lightening (they counted over 200 strikes in less than 4 hours) instead of snow!
Things are hoping at Quilt & Stitch - I am desperately trying to finish the class schedule - we have some exciting stuff for you this spring.
I'll keep you posted - this Saturday is our Mystery Block of the Month -I'll post pictures of the block early next week.
Keeping you in stitches, Marg
P.S. Let me know if you like the new font!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I hear you're getting snow in Kingston.  Well, my daughter Britney and I got caught in the middle of a tornado warning yesterday - fortunately we had just parked the car and were heading into a mall - for what else... shopping!!  It was pretty scary - woke up to another threat this morning (which should be over by noon).
There is a bright side to all this - I'm not getting sun burned and no one has to see me in a bathing suit.
The weather is supposed to get much better by Friday and there should be sunny skies until we leave on Monday.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Still day 1 - still pouring - but, had a great time shopping though - maxed the credit card in just four hours!!!  Gotta do some internet banking tonight - ha, ha!!
It looks like Orlando got 5 inches of rain today - so. when I told my daughter, who was whining about
the torrential downpour, that it was still better than snow - she replied "It doesn't snow in Florida" - exactly  said I.


Well, here I am in beautiful Orlando, Florida.  It's nice and warm but, it's pouring rain with heavy thunder and lightening - even the two ducks living in the pond outside on the hotel grounds look like drowned rats.
We arrived yesterday - the sun was blazing - this "it never rains for more than an hour" quote from Britney;s friend who lives down here, is obviously FALSE!    Don't get me wrong - I don't mind it at all - getting some work done and going shopping!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm off to Florida for a week with my youngest daughter - it looks like I'm leaving at a good time - this "spring" is a little too cold for comfort.
Adriana and I were at two dealer meetings last week - Husqvarna Viking and Pfaff - some great new machines are coming our way!  We'll keep you posted.
Keeping you in stitches,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just a quick note - you should really take a minute and watch this short from the National Film Board of Canada - it's a special treat - http://blog.nfb.ca/2011/02/17/quilt-fever/
I was just sent this link from Sharon - it's a wonderful and up-lifting piece - thank you for sharing and congratulations to our great Film Board!
Keeping you in stitches, Marg


Well, I guess this month's block is a real mystery!!  I've made an error and I'm sorry but, you need another piece of Fabric D.  You need 8 triangles so, you need 4 squares of Fabric D cut in half diagonally, not 2 squares.  I have already cut the extra fabric that you need.  You can just ask for it at the cash!!
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret

Monday, March 7, 2011


Here are the pictures of the Mystery Block-of-the-Month for March 2011.  I've also included a great picture of a quilt that I had the privilege of seeing first hand.
Keeping you in stitches,

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lots of yummy fabric

Lots and lots of yummy fabric has arrived at Quilt & Stitch!  New Batik's from Timeless Treasures and "Fairy's" with co-ordinating fabrics for the young girl in your life!!