I don't think I'm ever going to recouperate from getting up at 5 in the morning and making to the store for
6 am Friday. It was difficult for me, at best I'm up at 7:30 am and I don't usually get to work until almost
10 am.
I was trilled by the number of you who dropped in at that early hour and at how many of you actually wore PJ's! Great fun (and savings - over 150 meters of fabric at 40% off) was had by all.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Debbi had a great hands-on Embroidery Club session today - and we're having FEET FRENZY on Saturday with Doreen Teasdale from Husqvarna Viking - this will be a fun day and a great learning opportunity for everyone - it doesn't matter what make of sewing machine you own!
Keeping you in stitches,
Keeping you in stitches,
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
We had a great time on Halloween! I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to post any of the pictures - will try to do just that before the end of the week.
We have a very exciting weekend planned for Quilt & Stitch. Cheryl Stranges is coming from Toronto with Doreen Teasdale and they plan to show us how wonderful the Husqvarna Viking Designer Diamond is on Friday and then Saturday Cheryl will teach us how to get more out of our sergers! It should be great fun!
Our block of the month club met last Saturday - I was late - it's all Carolyn's fault. I walked out the front door at 8:45 am (had to be at the store before 9) and couldn't get my car door open - all four were frozen solid - no one was home of course so, I pulled out my trusty cell phone and call the store - I explained to Carolyn what a predicament I was in - rather than feeling sorry for me or offering to pick me up - she responded "You'll just have to make sure yo get up 15 minutes earlier from now on" and hung up! I was crushed - I think she was busy! Here are the pictures of this months block as promised.
We have a very exciting weekend planned for Quilt & Stitch. Cheryl Stranges is coming from Toronto with Doreen Teasdale and they plan to show us how wonderful the Husqvarna Viking Designer Diamond is on Friday and then Saturday Cheryl will teach us how to get more out of our sergers! It should be great fun!
Our block of the month club met last Saturday - I was late - it's all Carolyn's fault. I walked out the front door at 8:45 am (had to be at the store before 9) and couldn't get my car door open - all four were frozen solid - no one was home of course so, I pulled out my trusty cell phone and call the store - I explained to Carolyn what a predicament I was in - rather than feeling sorry for me or offering to pick me up - she responded "You'll just have to make sure yo get up 15 minutes earlier from now on" and hung up! I was crushed - I think she was busy! Here are the pictures of this months block as promised.
Friday, October 29, 2010
I am very excited about tomorrow - so, much so that I may even wear a costume.
I need something to cheer me up - I've been a bit depressed lately because my lap top died, again.
Well, to tell the truth it's just the screen - now my lap top is just a quasi lap top, so where ever I go I have to take not only the lap top but a computer monitor to go with it!! Sort of takes the fun out of portable!
Keeping you in stitches,
I need something to cheer me up - I've been a bit depressed lately because my lap top died, again.
Well, to tell the truth it's just the screen - now my lap top is just a quasi lap top, so where ever I go I have to take not only the lap top but a computer monitor to go with it!! Sort of takes the fun out of portable!
Keeping you in stitches,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Hi again - I've posted the pictures from Pamela Allen's "Still Life is Boring...Not!" workshop on Facebook only - I've run out of room on the other account and need to buy more space - which I'll do early next week.
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
Friday, October 22, 2010
We had a great class with Pamela Allen today and expect to have another great one tomorrow. I've posted tons of pictures from today - and some pics from the 3D Butterfly class Sheila O'Hagan taught last week.
Halloween is next weekend - don't forget we're having a PARTY - lots of TRICKS & TREATS!!!!
Keeping you in stitches,
Halloween is next weekend - don't forget we're having a PARTY - lots of TRICKS & TREATS!!!!
Keeping you in stitches,
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving everyone - we had a great day at Quilt & Stitch yesterday - check out the pictures I've posted on our Flikr account - Quilt & Stitch Photo's and Video's on the left. Our "Show & Tell" was a great success - I'll post the name of the winner of our promotional $50. Gift Certificate Tuesday!
Keeping you in stitches,
Keeping you in stitches,
Friday, October 1, 2010
I took a few pictures at the store today - we had two classes in session and our new service department was busy - there is always lots of excitement at Quilt & Stitch.
Don't forget the 401 Quilt Run began today (Oct. 1 - 30) - with fabric discounts from 10 - 30% off! At Quilt & Stitch we're celebrating the last day of the 401 Quilt Run Saturday, Oct. 30, with a Halloween party - and, if you wear a costume to our party you will get an extra 10% off any discount you've picked from the 401 discount draw!
I have opened a Twitter account for Quilt & Stitch but, I'm not sure what to do with it yet - I will keep you posted!!
Keeping you in stitches,
Don't forget the 401 Quilt Run began today (Oct. 1 - 30) - with fabric discounts from 10 - 30% off! At Quilt & Stitch we're celebrating the last day of the 401 Quilt Run Saturday, Oct. 30, with a Halloween party - and, if you wear a costume to our party you will get an extra 10% off any discount you've picked from the 401 discount draw!
I have opened a Twitter account for Quilt & Stitch but, I'm not sure what to do with it yet - I will keep you posted!!
Keeping you in stitches,
Thursday, September 30, 2010
My grandson and I were walking home from his school's OPEN HOUSE last night, just before dusk. I heard the famous honk and looked up to see a very large flock of geese flying low and obviously heading south (how sad is that). My grandson thought it was odd that they weren't forming a complete V - the formation looked more like a check mark!
I asked him what he thought was the reason for that and he immediately responded "I think
the rest of them decided to take the long way!" What a hoot!
I keep forgetting to remind everyone that the 401 Quilt Run begins tomorrow - lots of fun & lots of discounts - for more information check out our web site!
Quilt & Stitch has it's own in-house service department - we service all makes and models!
Keeping you in stitches,
I asked him what he thought was the reason for that and he immediately responded "I think
the rest of them decided to take the long way!" What a hoot!
I keep forgetting to remind everyone that the 401 Quilt Run begins tomorrow - lots of fun & lots of discounts - for more information check out our web site!
Quilt & Stitch has it's own in-house service department - we service all makes and models!
Keeping you in stitches,
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Hello again
I can't get to the computer as often as I'd like these days - probably because we are so busy at the store that by the time I get home, I crash! It's a wonderful thing to be able to complain about being busy!!
September is an especially busy month for us - we've had a few busy weekends - our Fall Open House and our giant Tent Sale!
Our classes have started - thank goodness we have 2 classrooms - a number of them are full - we've added extra classes to try to accommodate everyone! If there's a class you would have liked to have taken and it's full, please ask to have your name put on the waiting list.
It`s almost October - a month that I love - Halloween is so much fun! We`re going to have a party at Quilt & Stitch, so get started on those costumes folks!
September is an especially busy month for us - we've had a few busy weekends - our Fall Open House and our giant Tent Sale!
Our classes have started - thank goodness we have 2 classrooms - a number of them are full - we've added extra classes to try to accommodate everyone! If there's a class you would have liked to have taken and it's full, please ask to have your name put on the waiting list.
It`s almost October - a month that I love - Halloween is so much fun! We`re going to have a party at Quilt & Stitch, so get started on those costumes folks!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
A special story from Quilt & Stitch
I asked one of our staff members to send me the following story so I could share it with you - this tops my electric toothbrush story:
Recently I was telling Margaret and Sharon about some of the funny stories that we told about my mother at her recent 90th birthday – and believe me – they went on for some time – my mother adding details when necessary.
One was about the time that my father tried to teach her to drive. Now I have to paint the picture for you, early 1960’s -my father{ – a large man - 250 lb 6 foot tall and my mother – 105 lb . 5 foot tall. } drove an enormous Oldsmobile complete with gigantic fins and almost as long as a city block. You can imagine that my mother was somewhat intimidated to learn on this “beast”, but my father could not be dissuaded from teaching her.
One was about the time that my father tried to teach her to drive. Now I have to paint the picture for you, early 1960’s -my father{ – a large man - 250 lb 6 foot tall and my mother – 105 lb . 5 foot tall. } drove an enormous Oldsmobile complete with gigantic fins and almost as long as a city block. You can imagine that my mother was somewhat intimidated to learn on this “beast”, but my father could not be dissuaded from teaching her.
We lived in suburbia, on the south shore of Montreal. Off they set on the quiet residential streets and all was going well until they drove up to the corner of Taschereau Boulevard – a four lane highway that was a couple of blocks from our home. My dad distinctly said, “Wait for the traffic”. My mother, usually an independent thinker, decided that under the circumstances she had better follow EXACTLY what my father instructed. When the oncoming cars were almost upon her, she stomped on the gas peddle and lurched the car into the traffic lane .
My father – a usually quiet man – was white knuckling the dashboard (pre-seatbelt era), while his eyes bulged out of his head and from somewhere deep inside him a primal scream emerged. My mother, noting that something was wrong, said “Well, you said to WAIT for the traffic. I thought that you were testing my reflexes!!!” Needless to say, she enrolled in a driving school the next week and the instructor earned every penny. On the final day of her classes, he took my mother out for coffee and spent the entire time telling her that he thought that he should close his business and open a laundromat! Cheers, Marilyn
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wow, what an amazing Open House last weekend - I don't think I'm over it yet! I'm going to try and post some of the pictures on our facebook account - keep your fingers crossed - with any luck I'll have it done before the end of this weekend!!
We've had a busy week getting ready for our TENT SALE - there are lots of savings - not just on machines - we're discounting some embroidery design packages and some other notions! Hope to see you there - lots of fun, hopefully no more rain.
As you can see, I'm not the only one with the phone growing out of my ear!!
Keeping you in stitches,
We've had a busy week getting ready for our TENT SALE - there are lots of savings - not just on machines - we're discounting some embroidery design packages and some other notions! Hope to see you there - lots of fun, hopefully no more rain.
As you can see, I'm not the only one with the phone growing out of my ear!!
Keeping you in stitches,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I thought I should share the picture of one of my favorite quilts - this quilt - Pickle Dilly - was designed and created be Laurene King-McGill. Laurene has three classes scheduled at Quilt & Stitch this fall - Camelot's Court - which is a gorgeous black, white and red quilt; Finishing Flourishes - a classic - this class was developed by Laurene a few years ago and Silhouette Trapunto - a beautiful piece that could easily be framed or made into a pillow - don't miss this wonderful learning opportunity.
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
Monday, September 6, 2010
Back to School
Yippee! The kids are back to school tomorrow - how great is that!! I can hardly wait - I think that I'm more excited than my grand kids are.
I must apologize for neglecting our blog - I've been very busy with our fall class schedule and the newsletter - which by the way is ready for pick-up. Don't forget our OPEN HOUSE is this Friday and Saturday. We're should have a great time with our Show & Tell - lots of prizes, discounts - treats and more!
I've been working so hard that I really didn't have anything thing fun to share...until this weekend. My son and daughter-in-law came over for supper Sunday night. My son and his wife are environmentally conscious - they won't wear leather or eat meat - they try to buy food grown and produced in Ontario, etc. and they buy second hand clothes whenever they can. My daughter-in-law was wearing her newest (to her) sweater. She and my son didn't like the button and so asked my daughter and I if we had one she could subsitute. Jessica went and got her stash and I went and got mine (mine was bigger) - Molly picked out out a beautiful pewter button (from my stash) and she asked if I would sew it on for her.
I was happy to - completely ignoring the fact that I had just consumed two and a half glasses of wine (one usually does me in) I grabed the sweater and cut off the old button - I thought what I was cutting was the shank but it wasn't - instead I cut a rather large hole Molly's new sweater. I managed to sew it up and hide it under the, thank goodness, giant button.
I'm not sure but I think she's still speaking to me.
Keeping you stitches,
I must apologize for neglecting our blog - I've been very busy with our fall class schedule and the newsletter - which by the way is ready for pick-up. Don't forget our OPEN HOUSE is this Friday and Saturday. We're should have a great time with our Show & Tell - lots of prizes, discounts - treats and more!
I've been working so hard that I really didn't have anything thing fun to share...until this weekend. My son and daughter-in-law came over for supper Sunday night. My son and his wife are environmentally conscious - they won't wear leather or eat meat - they try to buy food grown and produced in Ontario, etc. and they buy second hand clothes whenever they can. My daughter-in-law was wearing her newest (to her) sweater. She and my son didn't like the button and so asked my daughter and I if we had one she could subsitute. Jessica went and got her stash and I went and got mine (mine was bigger) - Molly picked out out a beautiful pewter button (from my stash) and she asked if I would sew it on for her.
I was happy to - completely ignoring the fact that I had just consumed two and a half glasses of wine (one usually does me in) I grabed the sweater and cut off the old button - I thought what I was cutting was the shank but it wasn't - instead I cut a rather large hole Molly's new sweater. I managed to sew it up and hide it under the, thank goodness, giant button.
I'm not sure but I think she's still speaking to me.
Keeping you stitches,
Friday, August 27, 2010
Countdown to FALL
Wow, September is almost here - just 4 days to go - the kids will be back to school on the 7th -
I'm happy in one respect because I get to walk my grandson to school everyday (I desperately need the exercise) - my granddaughter on the other hand, is apparently too old for me to walk her and is going to walk with one of her friends - I'm amazed at how much it's bothering me and how old it's making me feel!!
We're doing weird and wonderful things at the store - our second classroom is getting a face lift -
we're all working very hard but, I think Debbi is working the hardest - harder than I am for sure.
It is going to be an amazing classroom space.
The newsletter is ready for you to pick up - I've had to do a bit of tweaking to the schedule (I made a couple of mistakes - nothing new there) - so make sure you have a copy of the updated one.
Scroll on down the page - I've posted pictures of two beautiful pieces that our staff has made.
Keeping you in stitches,
I'm happy in one respect because I get to walk my grandson to school everyday (I desperately need the exercise) - my granddaughter on the other hand, is apparently too old for me to walk her and is going to walk with one of her friends - I'm amazed at how much it's bothering me and how old it's making me feel!!
We're doing weird and wonderful things at the store - our second classroom is getting a face lift -
we're all working very hard but, I think Debbi is working the hardest - harder than I am for sure.
It is going to be an amazing classroom space.
The newsletter is ready for you to pick up - I've had to do a bit of tweaking to the schedule (I made a couple of mistakes - nothing new there) - so make sure you have a copy of the updated one.
Scroll on down the page - I've posted pictures of two beautiful pieces that our staff has made.
Keeping you in stitches,
Monday, August 23, 2010
End of Summer
Summer is almost over, so unfortunately is our "Buy 7 fat quarters and get 3 FREE" Summer Special - the Saturday of the Labour Day weekend is the last day of the sale! Don't miss this golden opportunity to build your stash!
Great news, I had someone work on my lap top for an hour and half today - doing something that Future Shop needed at least 2 days to do - and best of all, I didn't have to back up anything or worry about losing any of my files (my life) - so far so good - keep your fingers crossed!
Keeping you in stitches,
Great news, I had someone work on my lap top for an hour and half today - doing something that Future Shop needed at least 2 days to do - and best of all, I didn't have to back up anything or worry about losing any of my files (my life) - so far so good - keep your fingers crossed!
Keeping you in stitches,
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Fall Newsletter
Well, I have finally finished the newsletter and can now come up for air!!
You can pick up your copy starting Tuesday or download it from our web site - it should be posted by Wednesday. I felt so good this morning that I started re-organizing - it seems like I'm constantly re-organizing! I decided to hang a few things on my bedroom wall - I had the hammer but, no nails. So, I went out into the garage, where my son-in-law keeps all his tools, to find one. I was in there less than a minute when he followed me in - he doesn't think its safe for me to be in there, especially alone! Imagine!! As soon as he said that, I stepped back and almost broke my right heel on something that I was unaware of behind me, making me drop something. When I leaned over to pick it up I smacked my forehead on the the shop vac. I admit it was right in front of me and big enough to be noticed, but, I didn't. Glenn suggested that I go back into the house, which I did and promptly slammed the door in his face - how was I to know he was following me out!
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
You can pick up your copy starting Tuesday or download it from our web site - it should be posted by Wednesday. I felt so good this morning that I started re-organizing - it seems like I'm constantly re-organizing! I decided to hang a few things on my bedroom wall - I had the hammer but, no nails. So, I went out into the garage, where my son-in-law keeps all his tools, to find one. I was in there less than a minute when he followed me in - he doesn't think its safe for me to be in there, especially alone! Imagine!! As soon as he said that, I stepped back and almost broke my right heel on something that I was unaware of behind me, making me drop something. When I leaned over to pick it up I smacked my forehead on the the shop vac. I admit it was right in front of me and big enough to be noticed, but, I didn't. Glenn suggested that I go back into the house, which I did and promptly slammed the door in his face - how was I to know he was following me out!
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ruby Launch
I have to tell you that everyone at the store wore red and white in honour of the Ruby - at my suggestion - the only person who didn't wear red and white was me. I had to borrow Doreen's scarf!! I am in big doo, doo!!
Keeping you in stitches,
Keeping you in stitches,
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Ruby Launch
I didn't get a chance to tell you what a great job Debbi did with Kids Camp last week - I've attached a picture of them holding up their pillowcases and wearing everything else they made - Debbi had trouble keeping up with them - they each made a pillowcase, bag, PJ pants and oven mitts.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I've taken a couple of pictures of the cotton /silk blend. I've uploaded them as well to our Flikr account - see our links! Debbi has a couple of girls in for Kids Camp - it sounds like their having too much FUN!
Keeping you in stitches,
Keeping you in stitches,
Monday, August 9, 2010
I'm waiting for Debbi to bring in her camera - mine wouldn't do the fabric justice - so, hopefully by Tuesday or Wednesday we'll have some pictures of the new fabric posted to our Flikr account - we have a facebook account as well but, my understanding is that you have to be a member to see our page - the flikr account appears to open to all.
Anyway we are busily working away on getting ready for the RUBY party - it's this Friday night from 6:30 - 9 pm - drop in for some fun and entertainment - Doreen Teasdale from Husqvarna will be here to demonstrate the machine and to keep us laughing! Hope to see you then - if you can't make it Friday evening then try and drop in Saturday - Doreen will be back in and we're planning on having some tasty treats for all!!
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
Anyway we are busily working away on getting ready for the RUBY party - it's this Friday night from 6:30 - 9 pm - drop in for some fun and entertainment - Doreen Teasdale from Husqvarna will be here to demonstrate the machine and to keep us laughing! Hope to see you then - if you can't make it Friday evening then try and drop in Saturday - Doreen will be back in and we're planning on having some tasty treats for all!!
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
Saturday, August 7, 2010
We have just received some absolutely beautiful fabric - a cotton/silk blend in 15 different (solid) colours! This fabric is great because it makes up into lovely garments - pj's, blouses, skirts - and it will also work well in a quilt top - the cotton adds strength and ease of handling to the weave!! In other words it is the PERFECT fabric!! The fabric is on the machine side of the store so, don't forget to come and see Debbi and me!
It's a sunny day - no humidity - my kind of day. I hope none of you got caught outside in that down pour the other day. I should mention for those of you who live in town - when I was walking my Max (the large white rat looking dog) last night I bumped into a woman who was walking the almost identical beast - she had just seen a coyote walking down the middle of one of the side streets - it might be a good idea to keep your small animals in the house.
Keeping you in stitches,
It's a sunny day - no humidity - my kind of day. I hope none of you got caught outside in that down pour the other day. I should mention for those of you who live in town - when I was walking my Max (the large white rat looking dog) last night I bumped into a woman who was walking the almost identical beast - she had just seen a coyote walking down the middle of one of the side streets - it might be a good idea to keep your small animals in the house.
Keeping you in stitches,
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
5D Software
I'm very excited about the new Husqvarna Viking Ruby and their new 5D software - Debbi is going to give us an overview of the software on Saturday, Aug. 7, from 1 - 3 pm. I didn't get a chance to take any of the classes when we were in Minneapolis last week so, I'm really looking forward to the demonstration. I did download a video of the software promo but, can't find it anywhere on my computer. If you have the time, you might want to go to the Husqvarna Viking web page and have a look. It's good stuff!
Drop in and take a good look at the Ruby - stay for a demo - but, don't forget to come to our launch party - Friday, Aug. 13, 6:30 - 9 pm or Saturday, Aug. 14, 10 am - 4 pm.
Keeping you in stitches,
Drop in and take a good look at the Ruby - stay for a demo - but, don't forget to come to our launch party - Friday, Aug. 13, 6:30 - 9 pm or Saturday, Aug. 14, 10 am - 4 pm.
Keeping you in stitches,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Long Weekend
I forgot to post our Holiday hours on the front of the store! Sorry guys! We are closed Sunday and Monday, open again on Tuesday - I hope everyone is having a grand time. The weather is wonderful! Drop in for a piece of cake on Tuesday - it's my birthday.
I may even go to the beach with the family tomorrow.
I can hardly wait for the new Cutwork needles - I had the pleasure of working with them at convention - they are amazing. They come in a kit (relatively inexpensive) and they'll be available in packages of four later - these needles live for over 100 hours - hippie!! The catch is that they work without thread and literally cut your fabric while it's still in the hoop in between thread colour changes - wait till you see what they can do - we are going to have a class before the middle of Sept. - you can let us know if your interested and we'll put you on the call list.
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
I may even go to the beach with the family tomorrow.
I can hardly wait for the new Cutwork needles - I had the pleasure of working with them at convention - they are amazing. They come in a kit (relatively inexpensive) and they'll be available in packages of four later - these needles live for over 100 hours - hippie!! The catch is that they work without thread and literally cut your fabric while it's still in the hoop in between thread colour changes - wait till you see what they can do - we are going to have a class before the middle of Sept. - you can let us know if your interested and we'll put you on the call list.
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
Friday, July 30, 2010
Debbi and I have made it as far as Philadelphia - I'm not sure if we should continue - it looks like we're going to be put on a twin engine plane for the balance of the trip - we may just have to stay here - this is a beautiful city, one I wouldn't mind exploring. As far as the flying goes, I am not a happy camper. Keep your fingers crossed!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Birthday Party
I've been so busy with Convention and the lovely RUBY that I forgot that my birthday is on Tuesday, August 3rd. I think we should eat cake - after all I'm a senior and birthdays need to be celebrated. We may even have a few extra specials for you! If I don't see you Saturday (I may have to take a nap on the bed at the front of the store but, I will be there) I hope to see you Tuesday. Check out the Ruby video - in our new links section - that I took and posted to our new FLIKR account - this stuff is all so very new and confusing for me. I've opened a facebook account as well for the store - I may even go to twitter who knows.
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
Less than 24 hours before we head home. Boo, hoo!! Debbi and I went to the Mall of America last night - it's the second biggest mall in North America - the West Edmonton Mall is the biggest - ha, ha! We walked part of the way back to the hotel last night and came across Mary Tyler Moore's bronze statue - we took a few pictures but, discovered when we got back to the hotel that the SD card was FULL - what a hardship, we have to go out in search of her again tonight - we will try and post her picture tonight.
The RUBY is amazing but, there are some great new feet for all the Husqvarna machines. attention Designer owners - make sure you machine have the latest updates - there are some great new stitches for the Diamond as well. The new feet available are - the 3 hole foot (#413187045) to create unique trims using decorative stitches. For those of you who have purchased the new walking foot there are two new changeable feet - Open Toe (#413247845) and the 1/4" guide foot (#413238345) - talk to you tonight - Keeping you in stitches, Margaret

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
We are having so much fun we may not bother to come home! The new RUBY embroidery machine from Husqvarna Viking is a beautiful gem and from what we've seen so far the 5D software is truly amazing - Debbi starts her first class (of three) tomorrow - look out no sleeping tonight!!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Embroidery Class
We have had a wonderful class with Jo-Ann today - thought I'd share some of the pictures that I took with you!! Lot's of fun! Keeping you in stitches, Margaret
Friday, July 23, 2010
Poor Debbi - imagine having to share a hotel room with moi for 5 days and 4 nights - gotta feel sorry for her.
Debbi is going to take classes on and become certified on the new 5D software - very exciting! I'm going to a number of different classes but, I am taking one to become certified on the new Designer Ruby - that too is very exciting!! The Ruby is a wonderful machine, a more affordable Designer with easy embroidery and beautiful decorative stitches. For Designer 1 owners this machine is the equivalent, with the longer 10" arm (bigger hoops)! I'll keep you posted throughout the week on our blog - Debbi and I are in the store today and tomorrow and I'll be back in the store next Saturday.
Debbi is going to take classes on and become certified on the new 5D software - very exciting! I'm going to a number of different classes but, I am taking one to become certified on the new Designer Ruby - that too is very exciting!! The Ruby is a wonderful machine, a more affordable Designer with easy embroidery and beautiful decorative stitches. For Designer 1 owners this machine is the equivalent, with the longer 10" arm (bigger hoops)! I'll keep you posted throughout the week on our blog - Debbi and I are in the store today and tomorrow and I'll be back in the store next Saturday.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
What a great weekend and we were busy, busy, busy at Quilt & Stitch. Marjorie brought in her latest quilt - a Judy Niemeyer design - looking for binding. What a beauty!! Marjorie is standing to the right and that's Carolyn holding up the quilt and hiding behind it, on the left!!
I also forgot to tell you that Laurene King-McGill was in this week and she looks wonderful - it was so good to see her. Best of all guys - she's ready to start teaching again this fall (which by the way is only a month and a half away).
I know you're going to feel very sorry for me because the family is away and I'm all alone for a whole week - just me and my pouch (who looks like a giant white rat since his last grooming session).
Keeping you in stitches,
Friday, July 16, 2010
Christmas in July
Wow, what a day - it really was Christmas in July at Quilt & Stitch with over 140 bolts of fabric arriving - lots of Christmas prints, Batik's, Moda's and much, much more!! It's always great fun opening the boxes and seeing all the fabric but, then reality sets in and the hard work begins.
We didn't get it all processed so you'll have to bare with us - trust me, it will be well worth the wait. I think that it's a pretty safe bet to say that our 40% off section will be growing (gotta make room for all the new stuff after all)!!
If you get our weekly email you know that we have some terrific specials - the jelly rolls are disappearing - don't miss this wonderful opportunity - drop in we're open until 4 pm tomorrow.
I thought I'd share this picture of Loretta Moore's latest design - it's a beautiful primitive country fox.
Keeping you in stitches,
We didn't get it all processed so you'll have to bare with us - trust me, it will be well worth the wait. I think that it's a pretty safe bet to say that our 40% off section will be growing (gotta make room for all the new stuff after all)!!
If you get our weekly email you know that we have some terrific specials - the jelly rolls are disappearing - don't miss this wonderful opportunity - drop in we're open until 4 pm tomorrow.
I thought I'd share this picture of Loretta Moore's latest design - it's a beautiful primitive country fox.
Keeping you in stitches,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I didn't get a chance to go to the Picton Quilt Show after all but, I was very excited to learn that one of our very special clients won 1st prize with her beautiful Celtic knot quilt - CONGRATULATIONS Ginny Klein!!
Monday we had a lovely visit from Karen who moved (unfortunately for us) to the Maritimes a couple of years ago. I'll post the pictures for you as soon as they come in!
There was a bit of excitement in our beautiful downtown today. I had just had my hair done and decided to stop by Tara foods - there was a large group of people across the street. I was told, when I was at the cash checking out, that there was a rumor was Michael Ignatieff was having lunch at Chez Pippy - Iggy was eating at the Piggy!!
Keeping you in stitches! Margaret
Monday we had a lovely visit from Karen who moved (unfortunately for us) to the Maritimes a couple of years ago. I'll post the pictures for you as soon as they come in!
There was a bit of excitement in our beautiful downtown today. I had just had my hair done and decided to stop by Tara foods - there was a large group of people across the street. I was told, when I was at the cash checking out, that there was a rumor was Michael Ignatieff was having lunch at Chez Pippy - Iggy was eating at the Piggy!!
Keeping you in stitches! Margaret
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sunday morning - life is getting back to normal - as normal as it gets for me - for the past two weeks my youngest daughter was visiting and as I'm writing she is on her way - flying back to Edmonton. It's always nice to have company come (it forces me to clean up) but, it's always a relief when they leave!!
My oldest Jessica and her husband drove Britney to Toronto last night and stayed over. I stayed home with the grand-kids - my grand son, for some reason was inspired to tidy up his room when he was getting ready for bed. I told him he had done a great job - at which point he confessed that he had just thrown everything into his closet - he then went on the explain that it was ok for him to do that because he never opened the closest door!!
Sharon and Carolyn are still at the Picton Quilt Show which is apparently an amazing show - I might just have to take some time off today and drop in!
My oldest Jessica and her husband drove Britney to Toronto last night and stayed over. I stayed home with the grand-kids - my grand son, for some reason was inspired to tidy up his room when he was getting ready for bed. I told him he had done a great job - at which point he confessed that he had just thrown everything into his closet - he then went on the explain that it was ok for him to do that because he never opened the closest door!!
Sharon and Carolyn are still at the Picton Quilt Show which is apparently an amazing show - I might just have to take some time off today and drop in!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Summer is in full swing and we're getting ready for our Halloween and Christmas prints to arrive - any day now!!
We've been busy packing up Sharon and Carolyn for this weekends Prince Edward County Quilt Show! But, not too busy to open a box of beautiful fashion fabric (great knits for yoga pants)!
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